
Repository Semantics

repository is a:

  • set of disabled patches D
  • set of enabled patches E
  • (extra information used to track which patches belong where)

D `intersection` E = empty

  • the pristine state (and the working copy) correspond to applying E to an empty tree
  • there are no conflicts within E
  • the only operation allowed on D is selecting and enabling patches (under the above constraint, i.e. enabling a patch may not introduce a conflict)


  • when a conflict arises:
    • move both sides of the conflict into D
    • mark up working copy / notify the user

The user could then either proceed to use their text editor to wibble the conflict mark up and record a brand new patch, or they could use some commands to bring one side of the conflict back into E. (A smart implementation could notice that the user used a text editor to effectively do the latter and suggest doing that instead of recording a new patch.)

Local branching

There is no inherent branching (apart from the E/D split). Local branching can be handled on the UI level, though.

Simple E/D tracking

The simplest option is to just have the two sets and no extra information –i.e. there is no versioning nor history of migration between E and D. This of course works, but maybe isn’t very comfortable.

The operation of interest is merging two repositories (i.e. doing a darcs pull). As far, as there was only a single set of patches that was only growing, things were fairly obvious: just take a union of the repositories.

We could generalise this approach of course, and say:

E = E1 `union` E2
D = D1 `union` D2

which works until a patch ends up in both E and D. The sensible (and safe, at least with regards to repo invariants) thing to do would be to keep it in D. So we end up with:

D = D1 `union` D2
E = (E1 `union` E2) - D

The observed effect from this behaviour is that disabling a patch always wins, so as long as any repository you pull from has the patch disabled, each pull from that repository will try to disable that patch. Of course, since darcs is interactive, it would ask whether you wanted to disable that patch – but it would ask every time, until the remote repository got flipped. This could be inconvenient, but there may be reasonable UI-only solutions to that problem as well.

Advanced E/D tracking

I can easily imagine that the above simple system would work satisfactorily most of the time. Nevertheless, there is an interesting extension that could prove fairly useful.

We may want to record decisions we made about moving a patch from E to D or vice versa – just like we record changes to source code in form of patches. This option would be most useful with conflicts. Recall that when a conflict arises, both patches are moved into D (since they can’t both live in E, but they can both live in D).

However, as sketched above, it may be the case that often we actually want one of the conflicted sides to remain in E. Sadly, with the “simple” E/D tracking as described above, this would not be very convenient: all repositories would have to agree on the resolution. That may often work in teams that merge often and keep branches generally short, but it is quite inconvenient for longer and/or diverging branches.

The proposed solution relies on keeping track of an extra set X of patches with a different domain. A set of normal patches describes a filesystem tree. The patches in X describe a set of constraints on the patches that live in E and D. A fixed X gives rise to a partial order on the patches that is then used to decide, when pulling, what goes where:

U = E1 `union` E2

conflicted E = set of sets of patches that form conflicts within E
fixpoint f = until (\a -> f a == a) f
maximal S = { s | s <- S. forall s' <- S. s >= s', s }
next E = E - { x | c <- conflicted E. forall x <- c.
                                      (forall y <- c. x <= y) }
E = { x | x <- fixpoint next U, x > 0 }

D = (U `union` D1 `union` D2) - E

This has some counterintuitive implications, unfortunately, since the “conlicts with” relation is not transitive. First, the “conflicted E” set is computed as the set of nontrivial equivalence classes of E, according to a RST closure of the “conflicts with” relation.

It could happen that a patch ends up out of E even though it does not conflict with anything in E. This seems to be hard to fix (since the reverse approach of adding maximal non-conflicting patches to E does not work very well), but hopefully the real-world implications won’t be very serious.

Moreover, the set E could still be in a conflicted state when the above algorithm terminates. In that case, we need to refine the partial order on the patches and start over (until the resulting set E is conflict-free, i.e. conflicted E is the empty set).

Now that we know how pulls are handled, we should discuss what lives in the set X. From the above, it should be obvious that the effect of X is a partial order on the set of all patches plus 0. We need the 0 so that we can get rid of patches (move them from E to D) even when they are not in conflict with anything.

Intuitively, x > y means that x “beats” y – if these are in a conflict, x wins and 0 > x means that nothing “beats” x – we prefer to have nothing that to have x, so x always ends up in D. Now we need to describe the partial order somehow, as a set of patches.

To that effect, we add a notion of constraints, which are statements of the form “x > y” or “0 > x”. If we had a set of such constraints, we could construct a minimal partial order that satisfies both these constraints and patch dependencies (meaning: x depends on y => y > x). Of course, we can also imagine a set of constraints that does not give rise to a partial order: { x > y, y > x } for y /= x is such a set.

At this point, it will start to be easier to imagine X as a sequence of patches (although the set and the sequence representations are otherwise equivalent). The patches in X will be of these forms:

constraint x > y
cancel a > b

The set of constraints is then constructed from an empty set by successively adding constraints from constraint patches and removing any constraints mentioned by a “cancel”. If the resulting set is not consistent (i.e. there is no partial order satisfying the constraints in the set), we are in a conflicted state for X, which can be resolved by adding an appropriate “cancel” type patch at the end of the sequence.

XXX Merging of Xes needs to be thought out and written down.

User Interface

Unpull becomes a safe operation distinct from obliterate. Unpull says “move this patch from E to D”. With the advanced E/D tracker, it should probably also record that the unpulled patch is < 0.


The repository model is very similar to darcs in that it does not have in-repository branching at all. However, it does make it more convenient than darcs to implement a bundle-based branching model, since the bundles can be conveniently stored in D while inactive and more easily recalled.

  • branches as labels (say, :name)
  • patch matching by label (darcs chan -i -p :myfeature)
  • enable/disable by label (darcs branch :myfeature, darcs branch -:myfeature)
    • creates a local enablement change (moves patch(es) between E/D)
  • create interactively: darcs branch –create
    • includes most recent tag that includes no patches explicitly selected
    • –base to override the base
    • –no-base to avoid automatic base selection
    • asks for label for the branch (or could get it from command line)

Under this model, branches are just sets of patches with a common label. They can be comfortably applied and un-applied from the repository. In a way, this is just an extension of the “bundle model” of branches (unpull -o, apply). It should be a bit more convenient to use, though.


The fact that conflict resolution and branching share a common underlying mechanism can lead to some corner cases that need to be resolved.

Specifically, we need to look into conflicts between in-repo “branches”, since these are not “full” branches. Since the global enablement status is shared among all in-repo branches, resolving conflicts among local branches is a “global” operation.

If enabling a branch would constitute a conflict, we may be asked to mark it up and allow resolution… this would use the normal conflict resolution mechanism, i.e. disable some of the patches on the branch;

I think the “alternative” meta VCS leads to nicer semantics here and probably less manual work in resolving conflicts between branches. The deal is that once you record the new constraints leading to conflict resolution, these are remembered and used even if you disable and re-enable the branch.


Backward compatibility

(possibly upon request per repo)

If the enabled set (E) is written out as a (hashed_)inventory, this will constitute a valid darcs repository for previous darcsen… The caveat is, that migration of patches between E and D will be ignored by old darcsen.

We can (ab)use the motd mechanism to announce any patches that are currently disabled, so the users can manually unpull them if they want. Maybe even by providing the appropriate darcs command (or at least listing the hashes along with descriptions).


  • partially backward compatible (on the level of patch exchange) with both darcs1 and darcs2 (i.e. this is orthogonal to patch format or patch semantics change)
  • gives enough leverage for easy in-repo branching (a long-standing feature request)
  • fixes exponential merges in both darcs1 and darcs2 repos
  • solves the conflict problem outside of patch theory


  • the constraint mechanism (conceptual complication of matters… arguably, it’s no worse than mergers or conflictors; it does not strictly need explicit UI exposure either)
  • complicates the notion of a repository a little (but less so than allowing arbitrary branching – we just have a 2-way split, and all the rest is patch matching/selection … we play on darcs strengths here)
  • solves the conflict problem outside of patch theory (i.e. it doesn’t magically make patch theory conflict-proof)

The bottom line

There’s none yet. This document is (still) a work in progress.